Sunday, March 31, 2013

GRE Tips And Tricks For Better Preperation!

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Want to ace the GRE exam? Keeping a few tips and tricks in mind will help you go a long way, as far as getting a good score is concerned.

Time management: Like any other exam, your presentation skills matter a lot in the GRE. Time management is extremely important. The exam contains three sections i.e. Analytical writing, verbal and the quantitative section. Make sure to use your time wisely so that you have sufficient time for each section. Answer the questions that you know well first, and leave out the ones you are unsure about, to the end.

Get your facts right: An adept knowledge on the current happenings around the world could get your brownie points. Get into the habit of reading magazines, newspapers, and editorials on a daily basis. This would not only improve your verbal skills, but enables you to comprehend better.

Preparation is the king: Obtaining a good grade requires a lot of hard work and preparation. Last minute studies cannot really get you anywhere. Always start preparing at least a few months in advance to avoid any sort of unplanned rush in the last minute. But this again depends on your level of understanding and how easily you can grasp concepts. If you are not a quick learner, it is always advisable to start well in advance.

In the analytical writing section of the exam, students are basically tested on writing skills which includes your ability to write well by expressing your views on various topics with clarity, and absolutely no grammatical errors. Timing plays a crucial role too, so set a specific time limit for each essay.

The quantitative section demands a lot of practice. The quantitative section tests the candidate on his/ her problem solving skills; therefore, getting your concepts and basics right is imperative. Moreover, with an exhausting range of sample GRE test papers and practice questions available online and in bookshops across the globe, finding the right book is no longer a task.

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