Sunday, March 31, 2013

Gangstar Rio City Of Saints Cracked Paid Android 2.3 Game For Free!

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The final chapter in the successful Gangstar saga gets a new look and a move to Brazil. For the first time in a game of this genre, you can explore the streets of Rio de Janeiro, access a huge collection of cars and weapons and rule the city.

Anyone familiar with the Grand Theft Auto games will feel right at home with Gangstar Rio. The world is a playground for all types of mischievous and illegal acts. See a car? Steal it. See someone you don’t like? Pick a fight with them. The more illegal acts the main character, Angel, is involved in, the higher he boosts his wanted rating – cops will soon be on his tail to try to take him down. In between the story and the assigned missions, players can pick up additional side missions to make some extra money and gain experience.

The storyline is what is to be expected from this type of game. The typical gangster is on the run and seeking revenge. I thought the story was very unoriginal and it wasn’t interesting to me at all. I often thought to myself, “I think I’ve played this game before.” Those who have played Grand Theft Auto will probably agree with me there. The game tried very hard to make sure the content and dialogue was as vulgar and dirty as possible. I know what I’m getting into withe these games, but I was still disappointed by the great lengths the developers went through to make this game so unnecessarily coarse at times.

The controls are about the same as any other Gameloft title. I didn’t have a very hard time managing the on-screen joystick and other buttons. Driving took a little while to get used to, but there are several control layouts available so I just had to play around with each option to find a comfortable fit. Graphics were very good and I only noticed some lag every now and then. I also noticed that the game will often render as the players approach oncoming vehicles and buildings.

Overall, Gangstar Rio is another great title from Gameloft. Those guys definitely know what they are doing. I’ve been impressed with every game they have put out so far and this one is no exception. Although the content was a little too much for me at times, players who don’t mind the junk will find it to be an excellent addition to their game collection.

Screen Shots: 


GRE Tips And Tricks For Better Preperation!

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Want to ace the GRE exam? Keeping a few tips and tricks in mind will help you go a long way, as far as getting a good score is concerned.

Time management: Like any other exam, your presentation skills matter a lot in the GRE. Time management is extremely important. The exam contains three sections i.e. Analytical writing, verbal and the quantitative section. Make sure to use your time wisely so that you have sufficient time for each section. Answer the questions that you know well first, and leave out the ones you are unsure about, to the end.

Get your facts right: An adept knowledge on the current happenings around the world could get your brownie points. Get into the habit of reading magazines, newspapers, and editorials on a daily basis. This would not only improve your verbal skills, but enables you to comprehend better.

Preparation is the king: Obtaining a good grade requires a lot of hard work and preparation. Last minute studies cannot really get you anywhere. Always start preparing at least a few months in advance to avoid any sort of unplanned rush in the last minute. But this again depends on your level of understanding and how easily you can grasp concepts. If you are not a quick learner, it is always advisable to start well in advance.

In the analytical writing section of the exam, students are basically tested on writing skills which includes your ability to write well by expressing your views on various topics with clarity, and absolutely no grammatical errors. Timing plays a crucial role too, so set a specific time limit for each essay.

The quantitative section demands a lot of practice. The quantitative section tests the candidate on his/ her problem solving skills; therefore, getting your concepts and basics right is imperative. Moreover, with an exhausting range of sample GRE test papers and practice questions available online and in bookshops across the globe, finding the right book is no longer a task.

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Friday, March 29, 2013

Idea Super Fast 3G VPN Trick 29 March 2013

1 comment


Hello Guys ! Today I am representing Idea 3g Hack. Has been once again tweaked with the torrent support Yes the Old Days are Back IDEA trick 2013 has been in Hike and is now supporting the premium torrent and Resume downloads. We added TCP and UDP trick which are both working fine in all over India.


Its really helpful to download torrents with full speed As I know that many users can't download the Airtel trick and Aircel trick.So this trick is based on TCP ports which is simultaneously open in some states..This is genuine trick which is never shared on Internet..On huge demands and requests of my site visitors I am posting this on my blog.This trick is only working in some of the states where one "TCP" and one "LOCAL" port is open its working all over INDIA . Registering on this VPN will give you your separate account which will give you amazing speed so that you can enjoy 3g free internet on IDEA with no difficulties Registering on this VPN will give you your separate account which will give you amazing speed so that you can enjoy 3g free internet on IDEA with no difficulties I have Added UDP trick which works with high speed of 600 kbps.

So hurry grab it now Click below download button to download this trick and don't forget to like us on Facebook

 Download Idea 3g Vpn With Configs :

If Download link is not working than click below mirror link

Mirror Link

Download Idea 3g Vpn With Configs :



New IDEA 3G Proxy Trick March 2013

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This is a proxy hack working fine in all Idea 3G coverage area in India Including Kolkata, Jharkand,  Gujrat  Try in your region and comment Here
Try This trick At low Balance

Apn = internet
Proxy = 453.28.98.00
Port = 8080


Do the Following Setting On your browser

Go to Firefox->Option- ->General Tab->Put the Homepage There->OK

Again Go to ->Option- ->->Option- ->Advances Tab->Network->Setting->Manual Proxy Setting

Put the Proxy And Port there and check the check box->ok->ok

Go to Start-> Control Panal-> Internet Option -> Connection-> Click On Idea Connections Name (Double Click)->Check the check box below Proxy server->put the Proxy Address and port-> OK

Dail up connection Phone Number = *99#

Start-> Control Panel-> Phone modem


Option->Modem->Properties->Change Setting-> Advance Tab-> Extra Initialization Command->write in the box (AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”internet”) than press ok.

Now connect your modem and enjoy IDEA 3G

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Windows 8 Tablet Won't Replace Your PC!

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Windows 8, on the surface, is a dream come true to many people. For the first time ever, Microsoft has created an operating system that will work well on a tablet. The Metro interface and apps built specifically for it are highly optimized for touch interaction, much like the iOS and Android, and not so much for keyboard and mouse.

Windows 8 also makes room for work on legacy Windows software, like Adobe Photoshop, which can’t be done on iOS or Android. The promise is that Windows 8 saves you the trouble by assuming the role of both tablet and desktop operating system and only one device will be needed ultimately.

Alas, it remains a dream.

Legacy Desktop Apps Won’t Run on Tablets

It’s a myth that Windows 8 tablets can double as a desktop PC. While tablets running Windows 8 will have both Metro and desktop interfaces, just like their traditional desktop and laptop counterparts, the Windows 8 running on a tablet is not the same as the one running on traditional PCs.

Microsoft calls it Windows on ARM, or WOA. It’s another version of Windows specifically tailored for the ARM chip architecture, typically found in the core of tablets and mobile phones because of its low power consumption.

For that reason, a majority of upcoming Windows 8 consumer tablets will be powered by ARM chipsets, sporting WOA instead of the full Windows 8. It will be similiar to the Windows Phone platform, with the Metro interface and young App Store.

The desktop interface on WOA will support only a number of apps, including Internet Explorer 10 for desktop and the entire Microsoft Office suite. Core Windows features like File Explorer and Control Panel will also be available, but beyond that, the desktop interface is of no use.

Simply put, you can only use Metro apps on most Windows 8 tablets and not legacy desktop apps like Adobe Photoshop, Chrome and PC games. The joke about Internet Explorer being the number one browser to download other browsers isn’t that funny now, is it?

For the minority of tablets that will run on Windows 8 for x86/64, they’ll mostly be similar to today’s Windows 7 tablets. They will be thick, have a short battery life and expensive. These tablets are usually tailored for enterprise user and a far cry from the current consumer tablet trend.

Why Metro on Traditional Desktop and Laptop?

It makes perfect sense to have Metro on traditional desktop and laptop, if the same operating system is used in tablets too. But that’s not the case. Tablets will run a different, albeit visually similar, version of Windows 8. The tablet experience is not dependent on the operating system running on traditional PCs.

That begs the question: Why force Metro on traditional PCs then, with no option to turn it off? I have said it again and again, the Metro interface is ridiculous for keyboard and mouse. It’s unnatural and definitely not productive.

Instead of offering a full desktop experience on tablets, Microsoft is offering a full Metro experience on desktops and laptops. In the process, Microsoft is changing the way we interact with our PCs.

The start button is gone. You will have to click on the tiny space at the bottom left corner to bring up the Start screen. The shutdown button is now buried under the Settings menu, which can be called up using ‘Charms.’ And to bring up the ‘Charms’, you will have to hover to the top right or bottom right corner of your screen.

There is much to learn transitioning from a pre-Windows 8 PC to Windows 8. Loyal, but non-savvy users will be totally confused and unhappy having to learn a system again that they’ve used for years.

For what, I don’t know.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Airtel Free Internet 3G With PD-Proxy March 2013

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On the latest update for PD-Proxy free gprs trick: PD-proxy trick is working once again in many states. Airtel free gprs with PD-proxy is working again with new header settings which are given below. This pd proxy trick is the most simpler than other tricks of airtel free gprs for 2013. As per my views and concerns regarding free pd proxy, this PD proxy Airtel trick gives much better speed than all pother TCP Configs, Thanks to the Premium High Speed Pd Proxy servers and also to the developer of this Trick.

Airtel Free Internet with PD-Proxy working again Feb March 2013:-


Just follow the easy steps and enjoy free 3g internet on airtel with pd proxy free internet tricks for airtel Feb March 2013.

Create your account at

Download pd-proxy

Use it with demo server with udp for free with below configuration & Use Demo Server 2 for unlimited us after 100Mb even. Now configure it with below settings.

PD Proxy configuration for free GPRS trick:

Enter your Username and password in PD proxy, and Configure the Following Settings


Proto Options TCP Server
  Port Port:443

Parent Proxy 
 Enable Parent Proxy


Port: 80

Headers : Host: X-Online-Host:

Headers : are known as Home page


Airtel Opera Handler Unlimited Download Trick March 2013

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Hello friends.....
Today i am come back with a new Airtel proxy for airtel lovers.

That is confirmed in all states.
That trick is working opera handlers.
So first of all you required a
Opera handler.


Download Opera Handler Here : 

Then do some settings for free internet on mobile. 


Proxy : Port : 80
Acess Point :

Proxy type =HTTP
Proxy server =

Thats it now connect and enjoy free airtel goes with unlimited downloading.
For more new tricks stay tuned with us.......

Css3 Drop Down Navigation Menu For Blogger!

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We Are Come Back With How to add simple Css3
drop down menu bar for your blogger. There are small
icons on sub menu. This menu bar works with every
internet browsers.You can link with your main pages
by using this navigation. Im using Css3 and HTML,
Just check out demo.Its easy to add to blogger get my
all menu bar here.....


1. Log in to blogger account and Click drop down.

2. Now select "Template" Like Below.


3. Now you can see Live on blog, Click EDIT HTML Button"

4. Now click Proceed button.

5. Find this tag by using Ctrl+F ]]>

6. Paste below code Before ]]> tag

-------------------------------------HTML CODE-----------------------------------------
/* The CSS Code for the menu starts here */
.btrix_menu,.btrix_menu ul,.btrix_menu li,.btrix_menu a {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
border: none;
outline: none;
.btrix_menu {
height: 40px;
width: 525px;
background: #4c4e5a;
background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #4c4e5a 0%,#2c2d33 100%);
background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #4c4e5a 0%,#2c2d33 100%);
background: -o-linear-gradient(top, #4c4e5a 0%,#2c2d33 100%);
background: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #4c4e5a 0%,#2c2d33 100%);
background: linear-gradient(top, #4c4e5a 0%,#2c2d33 100%);
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
.btrix_menu li {
position: relative;
list-style: none;
float: left;
display: block;
height: 40px;
.btrix_menu li a {
display: block;
padding: 0 14px;
margin: 6px 0;
line-height: 28px;
text-decoration: none;
border-left: 1px solid #393942;
border-right: 1px solid #4f5058;
font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 13px;
color: #f3f3f3;
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.6);
-webkit-transition: color .2s ease-in-out;
-moz-transition: color .2s ease-in-out;
-o-transition: color .2s ease-in-out;
-ms-transition: color .2s ease-in-out;
transition: color .2s ease-in-out;

.btrix_menu li:first-child a { border-left: none; }
.btrix_menu li:last-child a{ border-right: none; }

.btrix_menu li:hover > a { color: #8fde62; }

.btrix_menu ul {
position: absolute;
top: 40px;
left: 0;
opacity: 0;
background: #1f2024;
-webkit-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
border-radius: 0 0 5px 5px;
-webkit-transition: opacity .25s ease .1s;
-moz-transition: opacity .25s ease .1s;
-o-transition: opacity .25s ease .1s;
-ms-transition: opacity .25s ease .1s;
transition: opacity .25s ease .1s;

.btrix_menu li:hover > ul { opacity: 1; }
.btrix_menu ul li {
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
-webkit-transition: height .25s ease .1s;
-moz-transition: height .25s ease .1s;
-o-transition: height .25s ease .1s;
-ms-transition: height .25s ease .1s;
transition: height .25s ease .1s;
.btrix_menu li:hover > ul li {
height: 36px;
overflow: visible;
padding: 0;
.btrix_menu ul li a {
width: 100px;
padding: 4px 0 4px 40px;
margin: 0;
border: none;
border-bottom: 1px solid #353539;
.btrix_menu ul li:last-child a { border: none; }
.btrix_menu a.documents { background: url( no-repeat 6px center; }
.btrix_menu a.messages { background: url( no-repeat 6px center; }
.btrix_menu a.signout { background: url( no-repeat 6px center; }

----------------------------------------HTML CODE----------------------------------

7. Go to blogger and click Layout

8. Click Add Gadget and select 'HTML/Javascript

9. Download and Paste below code.

                                                                       Download CODE :

Replace # with your links.

10. Now save your HTML/JavaScript'.

You are done...

High Speed Youtube Supported Airtel 3G Proxy Trick 100% Working March 2013

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After A Few Days We Are back with another working trick on is a proxy trick with youtube support.Working in rajasthan try in your state.



  • Resume Supported Proxy
  • Youtube Supported Proxy
  • Gives High 3G Speed
  • Also Working on 0 Balance

Lets Come To The Trick

Apn :

Proxy: Or

Port: 80

H.P: Any free working site in your area

(Not giving any hp for security purpose and if i post it here openly


it can be blocked)


COMMENT FOR ANY QUERY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

One Time Pop Up Subscription Widget For Blogger

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Onetime Popup Feedburner Subscription Widget for Blogger

Your Blogger blog needs an email subscription widget on it to perform well because your regular visitors, who love your content, would never want to miss your latest posts and you can make their task easy by allowing them to subscribe your blog through email subscription. By doing this, you make it sure that your visitors can visit you constantly. Feedburner is a great service by Google which delivers your content to your subscribers effectively. Onetime Popup Feedburner Email Subscription Widget will make your dream true to add a stylish and effective popup email subscription box to your Blogger blog. As the popup is onetime, so it guarantees that your visitors will never experience it irritating. It will appear once and never popup again for the same visitor from the same computer. Onetime Popup Email Subscription widget sets a cookie in the targeted visitor and once it has appeared for the visitor, later on it recognizes the visit and don't bother to popup again. So your subscribers number will effectively increase and as a result, your traffic will keep growing day by day. Additionally, your regular visitors will stay in touch with your blog whenever you will post something new.

How to Add Onetime Popup Email Subscription Box to Blogger

1. Login to your Blogger dashboard, choose your blog and go to its layout
2. Add a new HTML/JavaScript gadget with the below code


Join us for free and get valuable content delivered right in your inbox.

', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true" target="popupwindow">

supportivehands" />

2. Replace blue highlighted value with your Feedburner ID and save the gadget. You are all done!!!

If the Email Subscription Box doesn't popup, then it might be possible that you have Ajax JQuery script in your template already. To fix it, remove the red highlighted line from above code.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Airtel Free 3G Trick Without Handler App Working Opera And All Internet Based Applications March 2013

Hello Everyone...........!
Today we are back with airtel 3g trick for all over india. Many of the airtel 3g tricks are working with handler applications~front query,real host and http and Now its time to party with my new airtel 3g trick with working free opera mini,uc web and all of the internet based applications for free to use with out any handler hosts.
To Enjoy This Trick Follow The Below Steps...

Please Make This Settings :

Proxy :

Port : 80

Home Page : (Or) Any Working In Your State

And Open Opera Mini (Or) Any Of  Your Internet Based Applications Without Any Handler Application.


Please Comment Below And Subscribe......!

Zbigz Premium Account For Free 2013

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Zbigz free premium account for you. Before i tell how to get zbigz premium account know about zbigz. Zbigz is a site that offers you to download torrent files without a torrent client. It helps you in downloading torrent files. With Zbigz you don't need to use torrent client to download files on PC or mobile. You can create direct download links of files with this website and then you can download it with any download manager at best speed.
Zbigz converts the torrent file download link in direct download link, so it saves lots of your time.

Zbigz Premium account Features:

Zbigs offer free and premium both accounts. Premium accounts comes with some advantage on free one.


Premium Account Download Speed:

Here is a screenshot demonstrating you the download speed of files on Zbigz premium accounts.

How To Create Zbigz Premium Account?

Visit here to download the VPN.
Now run this VPN and visit and register a free account.
Now, click on Premium For Free and select Reward TV Giveaway. As you see in below image.




Below is one more screen shot take a look.


Now fill the form as you see in the screenshot below.

Now, click on continue and Now select any two games you want to play and click on "Play Now!" As you see in below picture.

And now give wrong answer(any as you like).


When you have completed the two games you were playing, then wait for 15 minutes for zbigz to become valid. Then, you would get your zbigz premium! Here is a look of premium account.



Now enjoy the direct download of torrent files with Zbigz premium account. Share this post and let others make enjoy Zbigz premium account



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